Jeremiah Extension (JX)

click here to download JEREMIAH EXTENSION Leaflet 2016 in doc 0.55mb
click here to download JX Registration Form 2016 in doc 28kb
click here to download Jeremiah Extension Introduction in doc 28kb
click here to download Recommendation Form for Jeremiah Extension Application by JS Mentor 2016 in doc 28kb
Is to transform lives through the power of a calling and cultivate an ecology of calling by partnering with the local church; inviting young people to explore God’s call through community, mentoring relationships and dynamic learning experiences; and releasing them back to their congregations better prepared for future Christian leadership.
First of all we would like to say that Jeremiah Extension (JX) is not only for those who have gone through Jeremiah School. JX is a rebranding of Christian Vocation Series (CVS) that the Board of Youth Work has been running for the last few years. We have put all the syllabus together plus some practical sessions like internship in a church and field trip to orang asli kampugs and made it into a one month learning experience. JX is also to re-affirm and re-confirm God’s calling into the full time ministry.
A little history about CVS: due to a great need for full-time workers in TRAC, CVS was initiated by young adults who were JS alumni and started especially for those who have the heart for exploring full-time ministry but meanwhile working in the marketplace or studying. CVS has modules like - Understanding yourself and Ministry Opportunities; Discernment – Understanding God’s will; Understanding God’s Heart. We also started support groups that were formed during CVS with the purpose of keeping the participants’ hearts burning through the support from other Christians. We hope to lead them to being confident about the gifts and talents that God has given to them. This will hopefully encourage them to be more involved in ministry.
The JX mission is to transform lives of those who heard God’s calling by partnering with local churches. We invite young people to explore God’s call through community, mentoring relationships and dynamic learning experiences. We will then release them back to their community a little bit better prepared for Christian leadership and discipleship.
Romans 8: 28-30
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be confirmed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.
JEREMIAH EXTENSION (JX) is where you will:
- Experience hands-on ministry work and calling in the field
- Assess your personal SHAPE and vocational strengths
- Develop skills and gifts through meaningful work and mentoring process
- Expand your personal leadership style as you develop awareness of your strengths and weaknesses.
JX 2016 Program Schedule
- July 10 – 21 Christian Vocation Series
Assessing your personal SHAPE
Mission field trip
Discernment in life - July 22 – Aug 2 Hands-on Internship
Specialized ministry internship and training - August 3 – 7 Debrief/Closing
Debriefing on internship experience
Evangelism & Missions
Reflective Path: Journey to the Call
- Download and complete registration form at
- Obtain recommendation from JS mentor/Pastor/church leader
- Follow instructions on registration form to pay fee
- Submit application by 15 May 2016
- Youth from a TRAC Methodist Church
- College/University student
- Serious about seeking God
- Have a teachable heart
- Willing to participate in community life and service
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.
- Romans 8:28-30 -
click here to download JEREMIAH EXTENSION Leaflet 2016 in doc 0.55mb
click here to download JX Registration Form 2016 in doc 28kb
click here to download Jeremiah Extension Introduction in doc 28kb
click here to download Recommendation Form for Jeremiah Extension Application by JS Mentor 2016 in doc 28kb