Event Title: LPL: Methodism
22-Jul-2023 to 23-Jul-2023 Past Event
Venue: Trinity Methodist Church, Petaling Jaya  


Course Description

This is a tutored course in Methodist doctrine and polity designed specifically for those seeking a License to Preach in the TRAC.  Those who wish to take this course as audit are also welcome.  This course includes a chronological summary of John Wesley’s life and ministry, study on key aspects of Methodist doctrine, the history of Methodism in Malaysia, and the Methodist Discipline.

Course Requirement (for those taking as a credit course):

1.Required reading

  • The Scripture Way of Salvation, Kenneth J. Collins. Nashville, Abingdon, 1997.
  • Wesley and the People Called Methodists, Richard P. Heitzenrater. Nashville, Abingdon Press, 1995.
  • “Christianity in Malaysia”:A denominational history, Robert Hunt et. al. (ed.),

Petaling Jaya, Pelanduk Publications 1992 (On Methodist History only)

  • Methodist Book of Discipline 2016

The candidate will submit a statement to the effect that he/she has completed the reading once that is done. The statement must be countersigned by the pastor and sent to the LPL Registrar, Rev. Shearn Sya (trac.lpl.registrar@gmail.com) and cc to the Instructor, Rev. Andrew Tan (andrewtankk@gmail.com).

2. Written Assignments (Not longer than 1,500 words per paper)

  1. On some aspect of Methodist Theology and its relevance to the Universal Church today (1 paper)
  1. What do you consider to be Wesley’s most important and enduring contribution? Where do you see his greatness? Conversely, where do you sense his humanity, personal trials and weaknesses?
  2. John Wesley’s emphasis of Christianity could be termed as “practical divinity”. How did Wesley understand this and show how it could be relevant for Methodist Church today.
  3. What was John Wesley’s understanding of the Church and how did he organize it to meet the spiritual and social needs of his day?
  4. Evaluate the importance of John Wesley’s organization of class meetings and preaching chapels for the development of Methodist church polity.
  5. Does Methodism support infant baptism? What help do we find in Wesleyan teaching and tradition on this issue?
  6. What is the Methodist Church’s stand on the Charismatic movement? What help do we find in Wesleyan teaching and tradition on the issue?
  7. Outline and explain Wesleyan’s teaching on salvation from original sin to glorification at death.

ii)          On some aspect of the Methodist Discipline and its relevance to the Church today (1 paper)

  1. Methodist Church polity lays heavy emphasis on “Connectionalism”. Evaluate the Methodist Discipline to show this and explain why it is important in Methodism. What might the tension between the need of the local church and the requirement of “connectionalism’ (i.e. TRAC and Methodist Discipline requirements) be, and how do you see this can be resolved?
  2. Outline your understanding of the role of the District Superintendent, the pastor, the PPRC, the Nomination Committee, and the LCEC. In your understanding, reflect how each is related to the other.
  1. Lectures

The candidate must attend all the lectures, on both days. Anyone who does not attend both days of lectures will be considered as not having fulfilled the course requirements in order to pass this module. Attendance will be taken on both days.


Closing Date for Registration: 8th July 2023


Click to download the document for more instructions.



22-23 Jul 2023
 Trinity Methodist Church, Petaling Jaya  
Rev. Dr. Andrew Tan
