Spiritual Companion Formation Program

Spiritual Companion Formation Program (SCFP) 2024-2026

If you …

  • have experienced spiritual companionship and benefitted from your soul being cared for in the sacred space of spiritual direction
  • have sensed a calling to accompany others in their spiritual journey and a desire to help them nurture their inner life and grow in their relationship with God
  • are willing to commit to being trained as a spiritual companion and partner of the ICM ministry

We welcome you to prayerfully consider applying to the Spiritual Companion Formation Program (SCFP).

What is SCFP?
SCFP is a 20-month training program designed for those interested in becoming a spiritual companion and partner of the ICM ministry. The program emphasizes personal spiritual formation alongside learning the art of spiritual companionship. This is because we believe that spiritual companionship and contemplative listening come from being grounded in one’s relationship with God. Upon completing the program, spiritual companions are equipped to participate in spiritual conversations and facilitate spiritual practices in a variety of settings, including retreats and other formation-related initiatives. They may also discover a calling to the ministry of Spiritual Direction and continue to offer long-term spiritual companionship to their directees. In training spiritual companions, ICM desires to expand its resources and grow ministry partners who can bring this culture and practice of contemplative listening and responding to God into their communities and churches within and beyond TRAC. 

SCFP Curriculum
The curriculum includes developing listening and spiritual conversation skills, the dynamics of the spiritual journey, forms of prayer, and ethical practices. Modules will cover:

  • Christian Spiritual Formation and Christian Spirituality
  • Developmental Spirituality
  • Prayer & Contemplative Spiritual Practices 
  • Christian Spiritual Discernment
  • Spiritual Companionship
  • Cultivating Holy Listening 
  • Supervision for Spiritual Companions 

SCFP Duration
SCFP will run from November 2024 through June 2026.

SCFP Requirements
You are committing to:

  1. Attend Three Residencies (4-Day Training Retreat) (Venue TBC)
        - 28 Nov – 1 Dec, 2024
        - 10 – 13 July, 2025
        - 14 – 17 May, 2026
  2. Attend Seven Online Sessions (1-day program via Zoom)
        - 2 Nov 2024
        - 11 Jan 2025
        - 8 March 2025
        - 7 June 2025
        - 9 August 2025
        - 1 Nov 2025
        - 24 Jan 2026
  1. Allocate sufficient time and space for ongoing personal work - regular reading from our recommended list and engaging with and reflecting on readings, podcasts, or teaching videos. Participants can expect to spend an average of 8-10 hours per week on personal work, online cohort discussions, and practicum sessions.
  2. Cultivate a prayerful and contemplative lifestyle shaped by a personal Rule of Life. 
  3. Receive monthly personal spiritual direction throughout the program.
  4. Participate in monthly online mentoring groups for mutual support and accountability.
  5. Participate in practicum, which includes supervised real play; offering spiritual direction, and receiving supervision in the second half of the program.

SCFP Pre-requisites

  1. Priority will be given to those who have attended a spiritual formation program by ICM (SFL, LGT Training for Trainers, The Journey, ITSF & DN). Other spiritual formation programs will be considered. 
  2. Currently in or planning to be in a spiritual direction relationship.

SCFP Participants
The following attributes will help you discern if you are a suitable candidate for this program. If you resonate with some of them, we invite you to apply and start the discernment process.

  1. Have life experience and history that reflect a deepening life with God
  2. Openness to grow in self-awareness and in sitting with uncertainties and Mystery 
  3. Have the capacity to listen to and articulate your spiritual experience 
  4. Willing to engage in authentic and vulnerable conversations
  5. Have experienced being approached by others for help with their spiritual journey
  6. Feel called to offer spiritual companionship to others. 

SCFP Contribution
The cost of the program is RM2500 for the full curriculum (includes seven online sessions, monthly individual spiritual direction sessions, group mentoring sessions, and practicum) and RM1500 for three residencies. We will collect this contribution in installments. 

Financial Subsidy
If you have a financial need and wish to be considered for a subsidy, please note that in your application.

Deadline for Application
We are accepting applications until 15 August 2024

Application process:
Please fill out the application form below to aid your discernment process on God’s calling into this program. We will consider each applicant with great care and are committed to working with you to discern if this program is a good fit for you in this season of your life. We will review applications within three weeks of receiving them. Once reviewed, we will contact you to schedule a Zoom interview.

Participants are accepted on a first come, first served basis upon completion of the application and interview process. Only 16 participants will be accepted into the program, so we advise submitting your application early.

If you are interested but uncertain or need further clarification about the program, please email us at icm@trac.org.my

Application Form   



Spiritual Companion Formation Program

We are recruiting a new cohort of spiritual companions! Training begins in Nov 2024!
Look out for more information.