LPL Modules 2023
English LPL Modules 2023
Old Testament
Outline of LPL Module
The Intensive Study Weekend Module provides:
- A survey and introduction to the 39 books in the Old Testament.
- Understanding the context of the Old Testament, i.e. its historical, cultural and socio-religious background.
- Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart, How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth.
(Compulsory pre-reading for the course, except for NT Chapters 3,4,6,7,8,13) - J. Drane, Introducing the Old Testament (Oxford: Lynx, 1987).
- W. Dumbrell, The Faith of Israel (London: Apollos, 1989).
- Tremper Longman III and Raymond B. Dillard, Understanding the Old Testament (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2006, 2nd ed).
- William Sanford Lasor, David Allan Hubbard, Frederic William Bush, Old Testament Survey: The Message, Form, and Background of the Old Testament 2nd Edition.
- Bruce K. Waltke and Charles Yu, An Old Testament Theology: An Exegetical, Canonical, and Thematic Approach.
Saturday (25th March) |
Sunday (26th March) |
9.30am – 11.30am |
Session 1: An Introduction to Understanding the Old Testament and its world. |
Session 5: Historical Books |
11.30am – 11.45am |
Tea-break |
Tea-break |
11.45am – 1.15pm |
Session 2: Torah (Pentateuch) |
Session 6: Wisdom Books, Psalms and Writings |
1.15pm – 2.00pm |
Lunch Break |
2.00pm – 3.30pm |
Session 3: Prophetic Books (Former Prophets) |
3.30pm – 4.00pm |
Tea-break |
4.00 p.m. – 6.00pm |
Session 4: Prophetic Books (Latter Prophets) |
Additional Resources:
- Fredrick Carlson Holmgren and Walter Brueggemann, The Old Testament and the Significance of Jesus: Embracing Change -Maintaining Christian Identity
- Gordon Wenham, The Psalter Reclaimed: Praying and Praising with the Psalms
- David Noel Friedman, The Unity of the Hebrew Bible (The Distinguished Senior Faculty Lecture Series)
Venue: Wesley Methodist Church, Kampar (IN-PERSON ONLY)
Register BEFORE 11th March 2023
2023 OT - Assignments & Citations

Youth Ministry
Course Description
This module is designed to assist stakeholders in Youth Ministry in the local church in understanding the landscape of youth ministry and seeing youth ministry as cross-cultural missions in essence. We will look into the critical need of developing adult leaders for youth work as well as youth leaders to their own. We will also explore some of the key challenges in mentoring youth today. The passing of this module is dependent on course attendance, reading the 2 prescribed texts (submit a signed declaration of completion of reading) and an assignment paper of 1,500-2,000 words.
Prescribed Reading (Choose two);
- DeVries, Mark. Family-based Youth Ministry. Downers Grove: IVP, 2010.
- Joiner, Reggie et al. When Relationships Matter: Making Your Church A Place Where Kids & Teenagers Belong. USA: Orange, 2019.
- Oestreicher, Mark, ed. Youth Ministry In This Season Of Disruption. USA: The Youth Cartel, 2020
- Housman, Brian. Tech-Savvy Parenting. 2nd ed. Randal House Publishers, 2019. (or earlier edition)
You are advised to secure the books early (your personal responsibility) either from the local bookstore or online through Amazon (check Singapore Amazon), Kindle, or others as delivery in some cases may take some time.
Click to download the document for more instructions.

Course Description
This is a tutored course in Methodist doctrine and polity designed specifically for those seeking a License to Preach in the TRAC. Those who wish to take this course as audit are also welcome. This course includes a chronological summary of John Wesley’s life and ministry, study on key aspects of Methodist doctrine, the history of Methodism in Malaysia, and the Methodist Discipline.
Course Requirement (for those taking as a credit course):
1.Required reading
- The Scripture Way of Salvation, Kenneth J. Collins. Nashville, Abingdon, 1997.
- Wesley and the People Called Methodists, Richard P. Heitzenrater. Nashville, Abingdon Press, 1995.
- “Christianity in Malaysia”:A denominational history, Robert Hunt et. al. (ed.),
Petaling Jaya, Pelanduk Publications 1992 (On Methodist History only)
- Methodist Book of Discipline 2016
The candidate will submit a statement to the effect that he/she has completed the reading once that is done. The statement must be countersigned by the pastor and sent to the LPL Registrar, Rev. Shearn Sya ([email protected]) and cc to the Instructor, Rev. Andrew Tan ([email protected]).
2. Written Assignments (Not longer than 1,500 words per paper)
- On some aspect of Methodist Theology and its relevance to the Universal Church today (1 paper)
- What do you consider to be Wesley’s most important and enduring contribution? Where do you see his greatness? Conversely, where do you sense his humanity, personal trials and weaknesses?
- John Wesley’s emphasis of Christianity could be termed as “practical divinity”. How did Wesley understand this and show how it could be relevant for Methodist Church today.
- What was John Wesley’s understanding of the Church and how did he organize it to meet the spiritual and social needs of his day?
- Evaluate the importance of John Wesley’s organization of class meetings and preaching chapels for the development of Methodist church polity.
- Does Methodism support infant baptism? What help do we find in Wesleyan teaching and tradition on this issue?
- What is the Methodist Church’s stand on the Charismatic movement? What help do we find in Wesleyan teaching and tradition on the issue?
- Outline and explain Wesleyan’s teaching on salvation from original sin to glorification at death.
ii) On some aspect of the Methodist Discipline and its relevance to the Church today (1 paper)
- Methodist Church polity lays heavy emphasis on “Connectionalism”. Evaluate the Methodist Discipline to show this and explain why it is important in Methodism. What might the tension between the need of the local church and the requirement of “connectionalism’ (i.e. TRAC and Methodist Discipline requirements) be, and how do you see this can be resolved?
- Outline your understanding of the role of the District Superintendent, the pastor, the PPRC, the Nomination Committee, and the LCEC. In your understanding, reflect how each is related to the other.
- Lectures
The candidate must attend all the lectures, on both days. Anyone who does not attend both days of lectures will be considered as not having fulfilled the course requirements in order to pass this module. Attendance will be taken on both days.
Closing Date for Registration: 8th July 2023
Click to download the document for more instructions.

Spirituality & Discipleship
Time: 9am-5pm (Sat), 1pm-5pm (Sun)
Venue: Wesley Methodist Church, Kampar (IN-PERSON ONLY)
Register BEFORE 5th August 2023
Click to download the document for more instructions.
Date for the Module
In 2023, the Module will be conducted in person at Wesley Methodist Church Kampar on 19 & 20 August (Sat. & Sun.).
Module Requirements
This module examines the basics of Christian spirituality and spiritual growth and the fundamentals of discipleship with the intent that course participants will learn to become more intentional in their growth as Christ’s disciples.
Being an introductory course in Spirituality and Discipleship, it can only point the way to further personal and corporate study, reflection and practice.
Requirements & Assignments for LPL Candidates:
- Pre-Course Preparation: Before attending the Course participants are to
Spend a period of time before God to reflect on how God has been at work in their lives, in their families and in their churches. Focus on the relationship with God, and what is going on in the journey of faith.
They are then to discern how God has been leading them at this time of their lives.
Participants are then to write a personal reflection paper (not more than three pages, Arial 12, double-spaced) and submit it at the beginning of the course. - Study the basic text for the course: Dallas Willard, The Great Omission – Reclaiming Jesus’ Essential Teachings on Discipleship. Monarch Books, 2006, write a review of the book (about two pages, Arial 12, double-spaced) and submit it at beginning of the Course.
- Attend all sessions of the Module on the appointed days
- Post Course Assignments:
- Book Reviews: Choose any two of the following books and submit a review of about 750 words each (Arial 12, double-spaced):
a) Ajith Fernando, Discipling in a Multicultural World. Crossway: Illinois. 2019.
b) Bill Hull, The Complete Book of Discipleship - On Being and Making Followers of Christ. NAV Press, 2006.
c) Bill Hull, The Disciple-Making Church: Leading a Body of Believers on the Journey of Faith. Updated Edition. Baker Books: Grand Rapids. 2010.
d) David Watson, Discipleship. Hodder & Stoughton. 1983.
e) Dallas Willard, The Spirit of the Disciplines: Understanding How God Changes Lives. Paperback Edition. HarperCollins Publishers: New York. 1991.
f) Dallas Willard, The Divine Conspiracy: Rediscovering Our Hidden Life in God. HarperCollins Publishers: New York. 1997.
g) Dallas Willard, Renovation of the Heart – Putting on the Character of Christ. IVP. 2002.
h) Dietrich Bonhoeffer, The Cost of Discipleship. Macmillan Pub. Co. 1963.
i) Edmund Chan, Mentoring Paradigms: Reflections on Mentoring, Leadership and Discipleship. Covenant EFC: Singapore. 2014.
j) Larry Kreider, Authentic Spiritual Mentoring. Regal: California, USA. 2008.
k) Richard Foster, Celebration of Discipline – the Path to Spiritual Growth. Third Edition. HarperCollins Publishers: New York. 1998.
l) Robert M. Solomon, Apprenticed to Jesus: Learning from Him, Living like Him. Genesis Books: Singapore. 2014.
m) Ruth Haley Barton, Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership. Second Edition. InterVarsity Press: Downers Grove. 2018. -
Submit a Reflection Paper: (of about 1,500 words in Arial 12, double-spaced)
– writing direction will be given out on the day of the Course.
Assignment due in 3 months after the Course (21 November 2023)
- Book Reviews: Choose any two of the following books and submit a review of about 750 words each (Arial 12, double-spaced):

Church History
This course, The Cloud of Witnesses, covers the period of Augustine (Early Church Fathers) to John Calvin (The Reformation).
Church History is the contemplation of:
- all those forces, influences, factors, and external situations that have moved the church first this way and then that.
- the forces that compelled the church to change its direction, to alter its beliefs, to revise its traditions.
- the myriad little changes that the church has had to make in a wide variety of areas in order to continue to function effectively in a rapidly changing world.
But church history is also the contemplation of those basic tenets of faith, those fundamental and bedrock concepts without which the church could not be the church.
Through church history we can come to a detailed understanding of that which is basic, that which is central, that which is unchanging. For it is only these that have survived the tests of history; it is only these that have continued unchanged through the centuries of the church’s existence.
Among these bedrock values is the belief in a transcendent and immanent God, a God who is both totally other yet a God who is with us, walks with us, shares our life with us.
Thus the study of church history is fundamentally the contemplation of the lives and times of individual persons. Our theology, our faith, the reality of God is nothing if it is not lived out in the lives of ordinary people.
The persons chosen for considerations in this series were quite ordinary people: Augustine, Gregory, Leo, the early monks and nuns, those enraptured by the crusading spirit, Aquinas, Erasmus, Huss, Wycliffe, Joan, Savonarola, Gerard – all these people too commenced their life of faith as do you and I. And even the giant – Luther and Calvin – struggled long and hard to discover God’s will for their lives.
So Church History is a window on the world of faith, a window through which we can look at ourselves.
Participants who sign up for this course are required to:
- Read in advance the 8 booklets
- Attend the weekend course and participate in the discussion
- Complete the assignment before the due date.

a) All modules will be either FULLY in-person or FULLY online. No hybrid option is available.
b) Registrations will close 2 weeks prior to course commencement date.
c) For more info and registration, please go to