LPL Courses 2020
LPL SPIRITUALITY AND DISCIPLESHIP Intensive Weekend Course (28th Feb to 1st March 2020)
This module examines the basics of Christian spiritual growth and the fundamentals of discipleship with the intent that course participants will learn to become more intentional in their growth as Christ’s disciples.
Being an introductory course on Christian Spirituality and Discipleship, it can only point the way to further personal and corporate study, reflection and practice.
Before attending the course participants will need to spend a period of time before God to reflect on how God has been at work in their lives. They will also be required to read and review the basic text for the course which is The Great Omission – Reclaiming Jesus’ Essential Teachings on Discipleship by Dallas Willard.
To register please contact Mr Abel How at 010-463 5976 and email your registration to [email protected].

Homiletics (27th - 28th June 2020)
Course Description
The focus of this course (compulsory module) is the practical task of preparing a sermon. The preparation of a sermon needs the basic skill of studying the Bible passage, discovering and analysing the exegetical idea, shaping those ideas into a homiletical theme, developing an outline and then turning it into a sermon-proper. This course will help the participant grasp the fundamentals of preaching and the process involved in the making of a sermon. In addition, the participant will explore the ingredients for effective preaching and learn to restore its centrality to worship in the church.
Course Objectives
By the end of this course, you will:-
- Be ready to prepare expository sermons, beginning with the process of choosing the passage to bringing it to a full-fledged sermon.
- Be ready to deliver the sermon more effectively.
- Be more aware and discerning of the ingredients for a good sermon.
- Be aware of the key components of the communication process and its usefulness to the preacher.
Course Requirements
You are required to read any TWO of the following books:
Chapell, Bryan, Christ-Centered Preaching (Baker Books, 1994)
Killinger, John, Fundamentals of Preaching (Fortress Press, 1985)
Lloyd-Jones, Martin, Preaching and Preachers (Zondervan, 1971)
Robinson, Haddon W. Expository Preaching (IVP, 1986)
Stott, John, I Believe in Preaching (Hodder, 1982)
The Pastor’s Guide to Effective Preaching (Beacon Hill Press, 2003)
To register please contact Mr Abel How at 010-463 5976 and email your registration to [email protected].
[ This class is only limited to 20 people, with priority given to those who are taking Credit. ]

LPL Intensive Weekend on UNDERSTANDING THE NEW TESTAMENT (25th - 26th July 2020)
Outline of LPL Module on Understanding the New Testament
The Intensive Study Weekend Module is intended to provide an introduction to:
- The context of the New Testament: the historical and the socio-religious background of the New Testament (the Context of the NT);
- The text of the new Testament; and
- The basic principles of interpreting the New Testament texts.
It is assumed that students are conversant with the content of all the New Testament books (and have read through the New Testament more than one time).
It is expected that students will study the three basic textbooks listed below, preferably before attending the course.
The passing of the module is based on course attendance and the submission of (a) book reviews and (b) a paper of about 2,000 words.
- David Wenham and Steve Walton, Exploring the New Testament (Volume 1): The Gospel and Acts
- Howard Marshall, Stephen Travis and Ian Paul, Exploring the New Testament (Volume 2): The Letters and Revelation
- Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart, How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth (only the Chapters on interpreting the NT, viz. 1,,2,3,4,6,7,8, & 13)
To register please contact Mr Abel How at 010-463 5976 and email your registration to [email protected].

Methodism (29th - 30th August 2020)
Course Description
This is a tutored course in Methodist doctrine and polity designed specifically for those seeking a Licence to Preach. Those who wish to take this course as audit are also welcome. This course includes a chronological summary of John Wesley’s life and ministry, study on key aspects of Methodist doctrine, the outline history of Methodism in Malaysia, and a survey of the Methodist Discipline.
Required reading
- The Scripture Way of Salvation, Kenneth J. Collins. Nashville, Abingdon, 1997.
- Wesley and the People Called Methodists, Richard P. Heitzenrater. Nashville, Abingdon Press, 1995.
- “Christianity in Malaysia”:A denominational history, Robert Hunt et. al. (ed.), Petaling Jaya, Pelanduk Publications 1992 (On Methodist History only)
- Methodist Book of Discipline 2016
Time Table / Registration Form
To register please contact Mr Abel How at 010-463 5976 and email your registration to [email protected].