CE & BCE Results of 2007
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CE Resources Survey 2007
BCE Survey Results-Eastern District
BCE Survey Results-FT District
BCE Survey Results-Northern District
BCE Survey Results-Perak District
BCE Survey Results-Selangor District
BCE Survey Results-Southern District
CE Resources from Survey 2007
Materials | Publication | Church Using it |
Children's Ministry | ||
Scripture Union | Wesley MC S'ban Taman Ujong MC Wesley MC, Ipoh Wesley MC, Bentong Wesley MC, Kepong Faith MC, Cheras |
Child Evangelism Fellowship | CEF | Wesley MC, Taman Asean Wesley MC, JB Wesley MC, Kuantan Wesley MC, Kepong |
Discipleland | Wesley MC, Penang Wesley MC, JB Subang MC Wesley MC, Sentul |
Partners in Learning (UK) | Trinity MC, PJ | |
Standard Publishing | Wesley MC, Klang | |
Gospel Light | Wesley MC, Klang Wesley MC, Sitiawan Wesley MC, Teluk Intan Wesley MC, Sentul |
Superkids | Grace Pasir Putih | |
Charisma Kids | Strang Communications | Wesley MC, KL |
Seasons of the Spirit | Christ Ampang | |
David C Cook | Wesley MC, Taiping | |
Kid in the Word | Wesley MC, Taiping | |
Character First | Institute of Basic Life Principles | Wesley MC, Sitiawan |
Mattias Media | Trinity MC, Penang | |
Alpha | Trinity MC, Penang | |
Focus on the Family | Trinity MC, Penang | |
Bill Wilson's Materials | Subang MC | |
My Awesome Adventure | Subang MC | |
Little People's Pulpit Programme | Wesley MC Sentul | |
Youth Ministry | ||
Alpha Youth | Wesley MC, Ipoh | |
Young Teens Aflame | Subang MC Taman Ujong MC Wesley MC, Kuantan Wesley MC, Sentul |
Youth Aflame | Taman Ujong MC Wesley MC, Sitiawan Grace Pasir Putih Bercham MC Wesley MC, Bentong Wesley MC, Raub Wesley MC, K Lipis Faith MC, Cheras |
2.7 Series | Navigators | Taman Ujong MC Wesley MC, Teluk Intan |
Navigators' Discipleship Series | Wesley MC, Bworth | |
Scripture Union | Taman Ujong MC Wesley MC, Taiping Wesley MC, KL (GB) Faith MC, Cheras |
Prayer of Jabez | Wesley MC, Klang Wesley MC, JB |
RBC Discovery Series | Wesley MC, Klang Wesley MC, Taiping |
Youth Specialities | Zondervan | Wesley MC, Taiping Wesley MC, KL (GB) |
Christian Focus Publications | Wesley MC, KL (GB) | |
Simply Youth Ministry | ||
Experiencing God (Youth Edition) | Wesley MC, Sitiawan | |
Nooma DVD Series | Zondervan | Wesley MC, KL |
Foundation Manual (Youth Edition) | Grace Pasir Putih Bercham MC |
Emmaus Bible School Materials | Wesley MC, KL (BB) | |
Young Adults | ||
Experiencing God | ||
Experiencing God for Couples | Wesley MC, KL Wesley MC, Kepong |
The Spirit-Controlled Temperament | Tim LaHaye | Wesley MC, KL Wesley MC, Kepong |
Celebration of Discipline | Wesley MC, Ipoh | |
Following Jesus in the "Real" World | Richard Lamb | Taman Ujong MC |
Discipleship Series | Cookesbury, UMC | Trinity MC, PJ |
The Purpose Driven Life | Rick Warren | Wesley MC, Klang Wesley MC, Kuantan Wesley MC, Sentul |
Series by Bill Hybels | Wesley MC, Klang | |
2.7 Series | Navigators | Taman Ujong MC Wesley MC, Ipoh |
Adult | ||
Materials | Publication | Church Using it |
Discipleship Series | Cookesbury, UMC | Trinity MC, PJ |
Design for Discipleship | Navigators | WMC, JB |
Experiencing God | WMC, Ipoh | |
Studies in Christian Living | Navigators | WMC, Sitiawan |
Disciple 1 - 4 | WMC, KL Faith Cheras Wesley MC, Sentul |
Alpha | WMC, KL | |
Alpha Philippians | WMC, KL | |
Masterlife Bks 1 - 4 | WMC, KL | |
Experiencing God | WMC, KL | |
Mind of Christ | WMC, KL Faith Cheras |
Personal Holiness in Times of Tempatation | Seminar under WorldTeach | WMC, Kepong |
A Biblical Portrait of Marriage | Seminar under WorldTeach | WMC, Kepong |
The Steps to Freedom in Christ | Neil Anderson | Faith Cheras |
Living Free | Seminar | Faith Cheras |
Breaking Through to Spiritual Maturity | ||
Prayer of Jabez | ||
Renovation of the Heart | ||
CG | ||
Experiencing God | WMC, Penang WMC, Seremban WMC, Sitiawan WMC, Bentong WMC, Kepong |
2.7 Series | Navigators | Grace Pasir Putih Bercham MC WMC, KL |
The Purpose Driven Life | WMC, Kulim WMC, Seremban Taman Ujong MC WMC, Taman Asean WMC, JB WMC, Sitiawan WMC, Teluk Intan WMC, Taiping WMC, Kuala Lipis WMC, KL WMC, Kepong |
The Bait of Satan | WMC, Kepong | |
RBC Discovery Series | WMC, Klang WMC, Taiping |
Lifebuilder Series | Taman Ujong MC WMC, Taiping |
Coffe Break Bible Study | Grace Pasir Putih Bercham MC |
Topical Bible Study | Navigators | Grace Pasir Putih WMC, Teluk Intan Bercham MC |
Breaking Through to Spiritual Maturity | Neil Anderson | Taman Ujong MC |
Prayer of Jabez | WMC, J B | |
Renovation of the Heart | ||
Discipleship Series | Cookesbury, UMC | TMC, PJ |
Alpha | WMC, Raub | |
Women's Ministry | ||
2.7 Series | Navigators | WMC, KL |
RBC Discovery Series : Family Series |
WMC, Klang WMC, Kepong |
More Precious than Jewels | WMC, Kepong | |
RBC Discovery Series : The Lord is my shepherd |
WMC, Teluk Intan | |
Discipleship Series | Cookesbury UMC | TMC, PJ |
The Cup of Life | Joy Rupp | WMC, JB |
Becoming a Woman of Prayer | WMC, Ipoh | |
Balancing Life's Priorities | WMC, Teluk Intan | |
Nurturing A Passion for Prayer | Michael M. Smith | WMC, Penang |
A Great Cloud of Witnesses : Life Lessons from Women of Faith |
Kirkie Morrissey | |
Faith at Work (Book on James) | THY Ministries | |
Thy Kingdom Come : Re-establishing the Kingdom Perspecitve |
RBC Ministries | |
What Happens When Woman Pray | Evelyn Christenson | |
Men's Ministry | ||
RBC Discovery Series | WMC Klang | |
Man in the Mirror | Taman Ujong | |
Seniors' Ministry | ||
Life Guide Bibles Studies | WMC, Kuantan | |
Discipleship Series | Cookesbury, UMC | TMC, PJ |
IVCF Publications | WMC, Kuantan | |
Cover-to-Cover Bible Study Series | WMC, Seremban | |