LPL Renewal

Requirements for LPL Renewal 

One of the criteria for LPL renewal is one must either attend a course that one has not attended before, provided the course has been approved by the Board of Ministry, and complete the Interaction Form. 

Or effective 2020 LPL holders can choose the books that they wish to read provided the following guidelines are met:

  1. Two books must be read.
  2. One interaction form must be used for each book read.
  3. The due date for submission of the interaction form must be adhered to. The DS will set the due date which should be before the 2nd Local Conference.
  4. The interaction form must be signed by the LPL holder and the pastor. 
  5. Each book read must have at least 200 pages (not including index and bibliography).
  6. The books read must come under any one of the categories mentioned below:
    1. Christian Theology
    2. Christian Spirituality
    3. Christian Doctrine
    4. Church History
    5. Apologetics
    6. Marriage and Family
    7. Leadership
    8. Missiology
    9. Church growth
    10. Prayer
    11. Methodism
    12. Pastoral theology and practice
    13. Books on issues relevant to and in Malaysia
    14. Any other category that may be approved by the DS provided there is a prior consultation with the DS

  Download the Interaction Form here




LPL Reading List for 2018 (download PDF)

LPL Reading List for 2017 (download PDF)

LPL Reading List for 2015-2016 (download PDF)

LPL Interaction Form 2015-2016 (download DOCX)