Beauty for Ashes


 A Sacred Time and Space for Honouring Loss & Grief  

Grief is a natural response to loss. When the pandemic hit, we found ourselves dealing with losses in ways we had not had before. Grief was intensified. Recognising this, ICM is offering a series to observe and honour the grief and losses we experienced as well as those which we anticipate in the fragile times. We will reflect on what it means to say goodbye to people, places and things at different seasons in our lives and find healing in the All-Present and All-Knowing God. Join us in this sacred time and space to process your grief and find healing. Or support others who may be struggling with loss. Together, let's journey with the One who turns our mourning into dancing and offers us beauty for our ashes.

Sign Up Download e-Flyer Download Schedule

Contribution Per Person: RM195
(inclusive of lunch, tea & welcome gift)
Deadline: 10th Aug 2023

August 24-26, 2023 | Trinity Methodist Church Petaling Jaya


Plenary Sessions 1, 2, 3 & 5
Saying Hello & Saying Goodbye – The Inevitability of Loss & Grief in Our Lives

Speaker: Fr Ramon Bautista
We are creatures of time and space. As we go through life, we are constantly saying “hello” and “goodbye.” As such, grieving is part and parcel of what it means to be human. Human grieving does not only involve losing a loved one. Every time we bid farewell or “let go” of someone special or some reality significant to us, a part of us may need to grieve. Fr Ramon’s four sessions will discuss the overall “whatness” and “how-ness” of human loss and grieving, which aim at helping us move towards some quality interior healing. We will also consider the pivotal role of faith and spirituality, clarifying how they can provide a greater sense of meaning and hope when we experience loss and grief in our lives.

Plenary Sessions 4
The Ministry of Presence: The Role of Community in Grief Work

How do we journey with one who is experiencing grief? Grief is a multi-faceted human experience. While there are individual differences in responding and processing grief, everyone who is managing grief needs appropriate support from his or her community in times of distress and vulnerability. In this regard, the Church plays a crucial role in providing the much needed “ministry of presence” and “safe space” for all who are grieving. In this session will clarify what ministry of presence and space entails and how as a community, the Church can emulate Christ’s paradigm of compassion to all who are grieving.
Speaker: Dr Hera Lukman. Chartered Health Psychologist & Lecturer.






Choose ONE out of four.

Workshop #1: Holding Space for Grief, Together – Exploring Grief Support Groups

Facilitator: Pastor Lillian Bulan-Dorai. Counsellor & Head of Family Life, FGA KL.
Losing a significant person in our lives is one of the most difficult experiences in life, and grief can be a lonely and isolating journey when it is not adequately expressed. It is important then to establish a connection with others who could provide a safe environment where one can share one’s grief, emotions, and experiences with those who have had similar experiences. Grief Support Groups are found to be effective in promoting healing of grief and loss. It provides a safe place where the members of the group “hold space” with and for each other, making meaning as they process their individual journey and also their journey with God. In this workshop, you will discover the “what, why and how” of a support group. The objective is to help participants to explore the benefits of a grief support group in particular, where grieving people can find healing and hope.
This is a workshop for those interested to explore Grief Support Group as one practical resource & model to support the grieving.

Workshop #2: Christians Grieve Too – A Transforming Journey for the Church

Facilitator: Dr Wong Moi Lee. Adjunct Faculty of Seminaries
The Christian life is not meant to be individualistic but is lived out through a web of relationships in the church. We are the body of Christ. In this workshop, participants will learn how to offer practical assistance, emotional support, and spiritual help to grievers in their church and community. Participants will discover that as they journey with the grievers, they, too, are helped to become the people of God. There is mutuality, and they grow from the experience of care, living in our vulnerability before God and others. One of the results of mutual vulnerability is that both the griever and the caregiver will come to a greater awareness of their own mortality and learn how to grasp their own pain in grief more authentically.
This workshop is for pastors, leaders, and caregivers who desire to learn and engage in conversations about how to support those who are grieving in their community and church.

Workshop #3: Expression of Grief Through Art

Facilitator: Ms Alicia Ng Kah Wei. Clinical Psychologist and Director, Growing Space Psychology Center.
When we have loved deeply, we grieve deeply. This workshop is a safe space to explore and witness our journey of grief and loss through the creative process of painting. Participants will discover that the movements of our hands, colours, and images are deep languages of the heart and cultivating the practice of listening to our heart is part of the spiritual journey of healing and growth. The workshop includes time for painting and group reflection. No art experience is required.
This experiential workshop is crafted for those who desire to process their own grief experience through the creative process of art and painting. All materials will be provided. Participants will bear the cost of the art materials. The additional amount (RM50) will be collected after we confirm your space in this workshop (first come first serve basis). This workshop is limited to 20 participants only.

Workshop #4: Journaling Through Grief

Facilitator: Dr Lilian Koh, Spiritual Director & Retreat Facilitator
This workshop is experiential. It is suitable for those who are grieving the loss of someone or something precious to them. Participants will be introduced to journaling and how one’s experiences related to loss can be held and honored in the sacred space of a journal entry. Grief, like love, needs expression and often does not have a clear end point. Journal entries give voice to and capture the continuing human and spiritual narrative of life after loss. This workshop offers those who are grieving a safe and gentle space within which to experience support and guidance through the practice of journaling.






Fr Ramon Ma. Luza Bautista, SJ
Fr Ramon Bautista is a Filipino Jesuit Priest. He has a doctorate in Ignatian Spirituality from the University of London, UK, and currently teaches at the Ateneo University in Manila. Fr Ramon is a seasoned retreat director and offers spiritual direction and formation to Jesuits, religious, and laypersons. He sees dealing with loss and grief as a necessary process in spiritual direction, counselling, and formation work. He is the author of several books on Ignatian Spirituality. His third book, 'Wood for the Fire', encompasses prayer exercises to help readers process their grief experiences for deeper healing.
Dr Hera Lukman is a registered Chartered Health Psychologist with the British Psychological Society. She has a PhD in Psychology from the University of Leeds, UK. For over 20 years, Hera has taught undergraduate and postgraduate Psychology at several Universities in the UK and Malaysia. She is currently working with various communities, particularly those within the education and faith-based institutions, to improve mental health literacy. Hera’s goal is to develop informed communities of educators, faith leaders, peers and family members who understand their role in promoting mental health and who proactively provide effective mental health care to those struggling with mental health problems. She hopes that such effort can help reduce the effects of stigma and misconceptions associated with mental distress and/or mental disorders. Her ultimate goal is to improve the quality of life for individuals living with mental health challenges.
Dr Hera Lukman
Pastor Lillian Bulan-Dorai
Lillian is a trained relationship counsellor and she heads the Family Life ministry at Full Gospel Assembly (FGA), KL. Her passion is to promote the well-being of individuals and families, creating opportunities to build healthy and godly relationships among families, couples, groups and individuals. Lillian holds a MA in Pastoral Counselling and is certified in Family therapy, Couples therapy and Trauma therapy. She enjoys facilitating therapeutic group work, training and mobilizing others to serve God in counselling and family ministry. She enjoys coffee, loves the outdoors and hopes to incorporate nature therapy and forest bathing in her practice. Lillian is married to Dorai Manikam and they have three daughters and a son-in-law.
Dr Wong Moi Lee is a guest lecturer at STM, teaching modules like Basic Counseling, Bereavement Care, and Spiritual Formation. She retired from STM as the English TEE director in 2019. Her ministry experiences include over 30 years of pastoral care and church planting. Today, she mentors workers directly involved in pioneering churches in Kuching. Dr Wong is also a DMin thesis supervisor with AGST-Alliance and the author of “Walking through Grief”. Another passion of hers is ministering to believers in need of healing and wholeness. She currently serves in the Life Care team at Sg. Way Subang Methodist Church (SSMC).
Dr Wong Moi Lee
Ms Alicia Ng Kah Wei
Ms Alicia Ng Kah Wei is a registered Clinical Psychologist and Director of Growing Space Psychology Center in Kuala Lumpur and Seremban. Her grief of losing her mother drew her closer to God and she found solace and healing through the process of art-making. She believes that everyone is innately creative, and creativity is much more than knowing how to paint or draw. She finds joy in creating a safe space for others to come together and tap into their inner creativity as they go through life challenges.
Dr Lilian Koh has a certificate in spiritual direction from Spiritual Growth Ministries, and a Masters in Christian Studies from Seminari Theologi Malaysia. She has also been trained as a Giver of the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius. She is retired from the medical profession and currently facilitates retreats and offers spiritual direction; while continuing to participate in further studies in these areas of ministry. She is a member of Trinity Methodist Church PJ. Her pastimes include taking part in dog sports with her dogs and painting, which she took up in order to explore the role of creative expressions in a holistic spirituality.
Dr Lilian Koh





Beauty for Ashes includes communal worship, personal reflections, guided conversations & creative expressions, culminating with a communal healing worship service. Don't miss this opportunity to learn and find healing and support on your journey of grief and loss. Register now!

Sign Up Download e-Flyer Download Schedule


Contribution Per Person: RM195
(inclusive of lunch, tea & welcome gift)
Deadline: 10th Aug 2023

For Enquiries - [email protected] 

August 24-26, 2023 | Trinity Methodist Church Petaling Jaya