Beauty for Ashes

A Sacred Time and Space for Honouring Loss & Grief
Grief is a natural response to loss. When the pandemic hit, we found ourselves dealing with losses in ways we had not had before. Grief was intensified. Recognising this, ICM is offering a series to observe and honour the grief and losses we experienced as well as those which we anticipate in the fragile times. We will reflect on what it means to say goodbye to people, places and things at different seasons in our lives and find healing in the All-Present and All-Knowing God. Join us in this sacred time and space to process your grief and find healing. Or support others who may be struggling with loss. Together, let's journey with the One who turns our mourning into dancing and offers us beauty for our ashes.
Sign Up Download e-Flyer Download Schedule
Contribution Per Person: RM195
(inclusive of lunch, tea & welcome gift)
Deadline: 10th Aug 2023
August 24-26, 2023 | Trinity Methodist Church Petaling Jaya
Plenary Sessions 1, 2, 3 & 5
Saying Hello & Saying Goodbye – The Inevitability of Loss & Grief in Our Lives

Plenary Sessions 4
The Ministry of Presence: The Role of Community in Grief Work

Choose ONE out of four.
Workshop #1: Holding Space for Grief, Together – Exploring Grief Support Groups

Workshop #2: Christians Grieve Too – A Transforming Journey for the Church

Workshop #3: Expression of Grief Through Art

Workshop #4: Journaling Through Grief


Beauty for Ashes includes communal worship, personal reflections, guided conversations & creative expressions, culminating with a communal healing worship service. Don't miss this opportunity to learn and find healing and support on your journey of grief and loss. Register now!

Sign Up Download e-Flyer Download Schedule
Contribution Per Person: RM195
(inclusive of lunch, tea & welcome gift)
Deadline: 10th Aug 2023
For Enquiries - [email protected]
August 24-26, 2023 | Trinity Methodist Church Petaling Jaya